Discover Fort Decking with Chip Wade at Fox and Friends!


Discover Fort Decking with Chip Wade at Fox and Friends!


Discover Fort Decking with Chip Wade at Fox and Friends!

Revitalize your outdoor space this summer with Fort Decking! These innovative blocks weigh just 1.2 lbs each, significantly lighter than standard concrete blocks, yet boast a remarkable capacity of up to 2,000 lbs. They provide a sturdy foundation for a variety of projects, from low or multilevel decks to garden sheds, pathways, and raised walkways. With the flexibility to support different post and joist sizes, Fort Decking blocks offer versatility for your construction needs

Crafted from 100% recyclable material, Fort Decking blocks prioritize both durability and eco-friendliness. Their larger footprint and built-in drain hole ensure stability and prevent moisture absorption, distinguishing them from traditional concrete blocks. Make sure you comply with all local building codes and use in a sage and prudent manner.

Elevate your outdoor space with Fort Decking and enjoy a summer of relaxation and outdoor living at its finest. 

- Chip Wade